
Showing posts from June, 2016

Do one thing!

" Do one thing do it well " - Unix philosophy Unix believe in writing a program that does one thing but it does well..! This is their core ideology. In life to be successful similar approach is required. Instead of doing so many things, multitasking and landing into a situation of confusion, what if you do that one thing that you love, with all you heart and energy into it..? Wouldn't it be more interesting? If we see Google-  The best online search engine in world, Pintrest - the only global pin board and Twitter - the place where you tell what's in your mind with 140 characters or less, they have done it, they are the best in what they are doing. Its when you do one thing and do it well you get successful because the one who catches two rabbits catches neither.

You Live Life Only Once YOLO!!

The Tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live - Norman Cousins We are born with so much talent hidden inside us. As we unfold the pages of our life, we experience different situations where our talent comes into picture. We apply them, we become aware of it and that makes us more wise. We know that death is ultimate truth of life. But there is no tragedy in dying, the real tragedy lies  living life without discovering your true potential. Without knowing the real purpose of life we just live a ordinary life. To lead life from realm of ordinary to extraordinary we must know ourselves. Death is not a loss but living life without discovering yourself is tragedy. Enjoy every moment of life, become more aware of yourself and your passion. Because you live life only once !!